Waxing in summer: how to avoid damaging your skin

The curtain opens: it’s Friday afternoon, you’ve been working non-stop all week, you still have no plan for the weekend and ring! The phone rings: do you sign up for the beach bar? Clear! But … oops! I am not shaved.

Second curtain: You are in the store, you see a beautiful bikini, you try it on, and argh! What a ingrown hair I have in my groin! And so, in the face of many uncomfortable and unforeseen situations – and instead of resorting to an express mindfulness exercise – we take the blade, the wax band, the tweezers … and ras! Bye bye hairs (or ingrown hair), but … we have damaged our skin.

Eye to the sun: be farsighted

If you plan to go to the beach or pool during the weekend, do not wait for Friday afternoon to shave. It is recommended to avoid direct sun exposure for at least 24 hours after waxing. Otherwise, spots and inflammations may appear.

Hydrate your skin, to the fullest!

What does it have to do with summer? Well, at the beach or the pool, both salt water, sand or chlorine can have an irritating effect on the skin, and much more if it tends to be sensitive and irritated. So having hydrated skin by either putting on moisturizer in the morning and at night, and drinking 2 liters of water daily, will be more prepared and protected to face hot days.

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Shave … at night

Yes, much better if it is late in the day and with a warm bath beforehand. You know why? Thus, your pores will open and you will avoid (damn) ingrown hairs.

Put on sun protection +50

Even if you are used to using a minor protector, if you have just waxed, use a high protection and put it on before leaving the house. Remember that the skin is more sensitive and exposed after waxing and the sun is very harmful.

SOS ingrown hairs

It is recommended to exfoliate the skin at least once a week. In this way, you will avoid that the weak hairs cannot leave the hole in the skin and become encystic. Apply the scrub in a circular motion before or during the shower.

Avoid pimples with exfoliation

In addition to a warm bath or hot water, as we have mentioned a little above, to open the pores and that the hair grows out and does not become enchotic, it is also recommended a good exfoliation of the skin and a massage to activate the blood circulation, how to do both? very easy! You do not need to go for a massage or do a special skin treatment, with a glove to exfoliate you have enough. You will remove dead skin cells and thus, when you shave you will not get follicles (or pimples) that later you do not want to wear in a bikini.

Outside redness after hair removal

Have you just left the beauty center and have red eyebrows and mustaches? Put ice (or cold water) and this will close the pores, reduce the swelling and calm your skin.

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