Scenario of Mobile Phones in 2020

 If we advance for a while in the year 2018 and before we could see China cutting off the electronic market supplies. If China...

Automation and digital processes can save your company

The entrepreneurs are being occupied by nature: customers, suppliers, calls, taxes, alliances, family, friends, life person, etc. It is difficult to balance our professional and personal lives,...

Essential Software For New Businesses

Choosing software for new businesses is one of the most challenging parts. This is because you will be required to make use of this...
To-Do List Strategy

Find a To-Do List Strategy That Works for You

On the surface, there’s not much to understand about a to-do list. It is, quite literally, a list of things you are supposed to...

WhatsApp Business, everything you need to know

Instant messaging applications are becoming more fundamental in our lives because of how useful they have become. Not only to use them as tools, but...

Can Your Enterprise Benefit from No-Code AI?

Most companies rely on digital technology to conduct business and make critical decisions every day. Today’s businesses monitor and analyze data from a range of digital sources, including...
Cloud Services

4 Cloud Services That do a Lot More Than Just Store Data

It’s 2018, and the cloud still manages to draw puzzled looks from many a CIO the world over. Part of the reason why this...

Get to know the new advertising format on LinkedIn

The social network for professionals, LinkedIn, has just launched a new advertising tool for advertisers. Within its official page it calls them Conversation Ads , an expansion of its Sponsored...
Google Adsense

How to monetize a website using Adsense

A while ago we told you about various ways to earn money online . In that post we told you that the easiest way, and the first...

Cyberpreneurship, a New Age Tool in Cyber Security

Cyberpreneurship is a phenomenon unique to the digital age, having originated from the fusion of cyber—a prefix that symbolizes digitization of established systems; and...

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