Pimples that come out from under the skin can be very uncomfortable, unsightly, and even painful. But why do they occur? We tell you everything you need to know to get rid of them.

On the chin, cheeks, nose, or forehead. Before we see them, we can first feel them. We notice a small lump under the skin that grows and can be very painful. It seems impossible to do anything to make it disappear and one day, suddenly, it is gone. Why do we get pimples under our skin? Is there a single cause that causes them? How can we get rid of them? If trying to remove it is the method you have been using so far, we are sorry to tell you that it is not the right way. We tell you everything you need to know about blind granites.

What is the cause of the internal pimples?

The internal grains have the same origin as the rest of the granites: a clogging of the pores that causes an overproduction of sebum. As a consequence, bacteria multiply under the dermis, resulting in inflammation that manifests itself through a red granite on the surface of the skin.

But when it comes to internal granite, the pores that get blocked are those that are deeper in the dermis. Thus, granite does not manifest itself on the surface, but instead results in internal inflammation that, after a few days, can migrate to the surface.

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Get rid of the internal granites: these are the best home remedies

We know. The internal granites are very annoying, perhaps not so much for their appearance, but for the pain they can cause us. However, as much as we try to take them off, we don’t get rid of them, we make the situation worse. And it is that every time you press on them, the bacteria spread and the inflammation worsens. Instead, there are other natural remedies that can treat these annoying pimples and prevent them. Take note!

1. Clean your face regularly

To prevent these internal pimples from getting worse, it is essential that you clean your face every morning and night. The idea is that you opt for a pH neutral gel or soap and, if possible, made from natural ingredients. These products are very respectful with all types of skin. In this way, you will avoid possible blockages of the pores and your skin will look radiant.

2. Unclog the pores with steam

If the granite refuses to surface, you can help it with some heat and humidity. Soak a freshly washed towel in warm water and place it on the affected area for a few minutes. You can repeat this several times a day.

3. Chamomile tea to combat internal pimples

A steam bath with chamomile is an even more effective solution than the previous one. Prepare a handful of chamomile flowers – available in grocery stores, herbalists and pharmacies – in a large pot with about 2 L of boiling water. When it begins to generate steam, place your face on it and cover it with a towel so that the steam concentrates on your face. Of course, do not get too close to the water to avoid burning yourself. The hot steam and essential oils of chamomile will dilate your pores and fight swelling thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect.

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4. Treat the pimples under the skin with tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is one of the most effective home remedies against all types of granites. The ingredients it contains have antimicrobial properties, that is, they reduce the proliferation of bacteria. However, you should use it sparingly, as overused it can cause irritation: two drops on a cotton swab is sufficient. Apply it to the affected area every morning and night after washing your face.

Tip: some people are allergic to tea tree oil. Before using it, make sure that your skin tolerates it and does not cause any reaction.

Are there creams against internal granites?

There are creams on the market that can be useful to treat internal granites. Thanks to its composition, they manage to unclog the pore and allow the pus to come to the surface. It is important to know, however, that these ointments should only be used in this type of pimple , as it may contain substances that irritate healthy skin. Therefore, it is most advisable that, if you use an ointment of this type, apply a very small amount with a cotton swab only in the affected area.

And don’t be scared. This type of ointment can cause a large, red granite to form on the skin’s surface. You may think it has gotten worse, but it is not. To make it go away, you first have to face it. That is the goal!Also remember that you should not squeeze it.

Why is it dangerous to squeeze these granites?

If we tell you that it is not at all recommended that you squeeze this type of granite, it is not just because it causes pain or because its appearance may worsen. When you press them, bacteria expand under the skin, which can lead to an infection, which in turn passes into the blood.

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You must be especially careful with the pimples that appear in the T zone (nose and forehead), as well as above the upper lip . This area is full of facial nerves that can be affected if we manipulate a granite.

Prevention: discover how to avoid internal granites

The best strategy to avoid these unpleasant pimples is to keep your hands away from your face in the first place. Although we may not realize it, we touch our face an average of 300 to 400 times a day , and we don’t always have our hands as clean as we should. Also, even if we wash them, they are never 100% bacteria free.

Another technique that you must put in place to prevent and combat internal pimples is peeling. Regular cleansing and exfoliation of the skin is very useful for removing dead cells and cleaning the pores. In this way, they are kept closed, so they have less chance of accumulating dirt and clogging.

What happens to the internal pimples in the armpits?

Until now, we have only talked about internal pimples on the face. However, they can appear in other parts of the body, and one of the most common areas is the armpits. However, unlike those that appear on the face, the cause of these is usually not the obstruction of the pores, but an inflamed hairy gland or a sweat gland.

In order for the inflammation to disappear quickly, the first thing you should do is not shave for a few days. Also, it is advisable to avoid spray deodorants, as they can irritate the skin in some cases. Instead, it is preferable that you use mild deodorants for sensitive skin – you can find them at any supermarket or pharmacy. We suggest you choose one that contains calendula,a plant with incredible anti-inflammatory properties.