The SEO Analysis of a website or SEO Audit is a technical analysis which consists in evaluating the health status of a website and all the elements that influence its positioning in the SERPs of search engines.

The aim of the SEO analysis is to identify the critical issues and aspects that should be improved both to promote the ranking of the site or e-commerce and to optimize the User Experience, or the browsing and purchase experience that the user can live.


Carrying out a punctual and effective SEO analysis requires specific skills and abilities. This is why it is advisable to rely on a professional who knows the aspects to be analyzed, the data to be evaluated, the meaning of the analyzes carried out and how to intervene to improve the website’s performance.

SEO analysis of a website: the checklist

How to perform the SEO analysis of a website? What elements should be analyzed? Below is a check-list of the factors that must necessarily be the subject of SEO Audit usually carried out also through the use of SEO tools?

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1. Analysis of the site’s presence on the web

How are e-commerce pages or Corporate Video Production Companies In Dubai website indexed in search engines? Are there abnormal contents or are there duplicate contents that should be remedied?

And are there additional domains or subdomains that need to be managed the right way? 

2. Analysis of competitors

Who are our brand’s competitors on the web? How do they work? How they behave? And what is their position with respect to the specific keyword?

Analyzing competitors also means assessing their strengths and weaknesses and understanding in more detail the trends in the reference sector. 

3. Analysis of the website link profile

The back links are the lifeblood for the positioning of a website in the SERPs of the search engines. This is why it is essential to know how many and which links refer to the website, if there are spam links to be combated and how well known and authoritative the website is on the Net.


Analyzing the link profile of the website or e-commerce means having access to this valuable information.

4. Analysis of the website architecture

Is the website structured hierarchically? Before building a website, in fact, it is necessary to plan its tree structure: the various categories branch off from the homepage, from these the different sub-categories, from the blog the individual posts and so on.

Building a website respecting the different hierarchical levels is fundamental both for positioning and for the User Experience. 

5. Analysis of the navigation menu

The navigation menu must contain the most important sections of the website, must be optimized for SEO and must be easily understandable and accessible for the user. 

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6. SEO analysis of URLs

URLs, Uniform Resource Locator, uniquely identify a web resource. For the positioning of a site it is essential that these are optimized for SEO and that there are no duplicate URLs.

Furthermore, the URLs must reflect the hierarchical structure of the website and must be easily readable and memorable by the user.

7. Analysis of the XML Sitemap

The XML Sitemap is a fundamental element for positioning because it helps search engines to understand the structure of the site and to give relevance to the most important pages.

This is why it is essential that the XML Sitemap is always up to date, that it gives priority to the most relevant URLs and that it does not contain errors. 

8. Analysis of 404 errors

When we land on a page that does not exist, the server returns a 404 error and of course will not allow us to view the site resource we want.

That’s why analyzing website URLs and correcting broken ones is crucial.

9. Analysis of contents and organic positioning

What position does the website occupy in organic searches for that specific keyword? Do the keywords with which the website has been positioned respect the users’ search intent?

Are the keywords you choose actually useful for the brand and able to intercept target users? Are the contents original, performing and optimized in an SEO perspective?

10. Analysis of the optimization of tags, meta-description, images and internal links

Are the various tags, Meta tags, Meta descriptions and image attributes optimized for SEO? Is the referral structure built with internal links to the website efficient and correct?

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Was this work done for every page and every resource on the website? These are very important aspects for positioning in SERPs.

11. Analysis of the usability of the website

The User Experience is a complex and fundamental concept both for the positioning of the website and for the conversion.

These are strategies, tools and tricks that make the website easily navigable and usable in an easy, engaging, easy, fast, clear way, offering the user a pleasant and convincing experience.

Among the elements to be analyzed to evaluate the usability of the website, the loading times of the pages (the higher they are, the more the bounce rate increases, therefore the abandonment of the site), the responsive design and layout. 

12. Analysis of the security protocol

Since 2018, Google has announced that it will mark websites that will not be SSL-certified as unsafe and has specified that this will also have a strong impact on positioning in the SERPs.

SEO analysis of a website: the conclusions

The SEO analysis of a website or e-commerce is an indispensable and precious preliminary investment for the success of a business on the Net, because it allows you to optimize all resources, increase conversion and increase turnover.

Online you will find many SEO tools or SEO utilities, however remember that these tools can only be of help but cannot completely replace the work of an expert who analyzes and evaluates the website at 360 degrees based on the experience and problems that he met in his training path.