What’s inside a criminal record?
A criminal record contains identifying information for an individual, such as race, sex, and age. It also contains the charges against them and indicates...
Do You Need College to Be Successful?
I’m a college dropout with a seven-figure writing business, and in ten years of running a writing agency, our percentage of hiring college graduates diminishes every...
Find a To-Do List Strategy That Works for You
On the surface, there’s not much to understand about a to-do list. It is, quite literally, a list of things you are supposed to...
Payment with cryptocurrencies in your business: what you should know
As of this writing, a single Bitcoin (a cryptocurrency) is worth more than 770 thousand Mexican pesos or 38,700 US dollars. And even though its...
Reasons to Install a Wi-Fi-Based Sprinkler System
Reasons to Upgrade Your Lawn with a Wi-Fi-Based Sprinkler System
With cold weather already here, many Brampton homeowners are preparing their lawns for winter by...
Work From Anywhere Platforms For Employee Wellbeing
The ‘new normal’ (since the global pandemic) fastened the inevitable digital transformation for most businesses. Studies show that the global spend in digital transformations...
Data analysis and Artificial Intelligence as tools in the field of health
Big data and Artificial Intelligence have positioned themselves in the health sector as tools for making decisions, improving services and treating patients.
The analysis of...